Iori is cosplaying as Dakki from Hoshin Engi. Hoshin Engi (封神演義 Hōshin Engi), also known as Soul Hunter, is a Japanese manga series by Ryu Fujisaki. Hoshin Engi was inspired by an ancient Chinese novel Fengshen Yanyi. The story involves the Chinese mythology and history of China, in particular the last members of the In (Yin Dynasty aka Shang Dynasty) and the plot to overthrow them.
Iori's COSPLAY - Dakki (2010/10/14)
Oct 14, 2010Iori is cosplaying as Dakki from Hoshin Engi. Hoshin Engi (封神演義 Hōshin Engi), also known as Soul Hunter, is a Japanese manga series by Ryu Fujisaki. Hoshin Engi was inspired by an ancient Chinese novel Fengshen Yanyi. The story involves the Chinese mythology and history of China, in particular the last members of the In (Yin Dynasty aka Shang Dynasty) and the plot to overthrow them.
This cosplayer is NOT Iori , just a friend with Iori.
Iori take the photos.
Do u know her name?
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