Project Zero II, is a survival horror video game developed by Tecmo. It is the second installment in the Fatal Frame series and is considered by some gaming magazines as one of the scariest video games ever created (see Reception). It was originally released in 2003 for the PlayStation 2, and a "director's cut" version was released for the Xbox in 2004 with better graphics and some additional features. There has also been a confirmation that there is a 2011 remake set to release on the Wii in Japan, but no confirmation if it will ever release in the US or Europe.
Saya & Mishin Tsugihagi's COSPLAY - Project Zero II (2010/12/06)
Dec 6, 2010Project Zero II, is a survival horror video game developed by Tecmo. It is the second installment in the Fatal Frame series and is considered by some gaming magazines as one of the scariest video games ever created (see Reception). It was originally released in 2003 for the PlayStation 2, and a "director's cut" version was released for the Xbox in 2004 with better graphics and some additional features. There has also been a confirmation that there is a 2011 remake set to release on the Wii in Japan, but no confirmation if it will ever release in the US or Europe.
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