Midori Kanda is cosplaying as Anna Kyoyama from Shaman King. Anna Kyoyama (恐山アンナ Kyōyama Anna) is a fictional character created by manga author Hiroyuki Takei. She appears in Shaman King, Butsu Zone, and Itako no Anna, a one-shot manga series which focuses on Anna. Takei notes in an interview, that she is like his own personal mascot or good luck charm, because Anna appears (albeit usually in cameos) in so many of his works.
Her seiyū in the original Japanese Shaman King anime is Megumi Hayashibara and is Tara Jayne in the English anime. In the English anime and English video games, her family name is not revealed. In some Japanese products and in Shaman King: Master of Spirits, her name is spelled Anna Kyohyama.
She so badass!
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