Midori Kanda is cosplaying as Takagi Saya from Highschool of the Dead. Highschool of the Dead (学園黙示録 Gakuen Mokushiroku, "Academy Apocalypse") is a manga series written by Daisuke Satō and illustrated by Shōji Satō. The story follows a group of high school students caught in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. The series has been serialized in Fujimi Shobo's Monthly Dragon Age since September 2006 and has been published internationally in a number of languages. Highschool of the Dead was adapted into an anime television series by Madhouse which began airing in Japan on July 5, 2010.
Midori Kanda's COSPLAY - Takagi Saya (2011/01/21)
Jan 21, 2011Midori Kanda is cosplaying as Takagi Saya from Highschool of the Dead. Highschool of the Dead (学園黙示録 Gakuen Mokushiroku, "Academy Apocalypse") is a manga series written by Daisuke Satō and illustrated by Shōji Satō. The story follows a group of high school students caught in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. The series has been serialized in Fujimi Shobo's Monthly Dragon Age since September 2006 and has been published internationally in a number of languages. Highschool of the Dead was adapted into an anime television series by Madhouse which began airing in Japan on July 5, 2010.
Ha ha.
wish there were more :(
she looks like saya.! live action making people!!! here is your saya!!! go midoriii \(>.<)/
Like the person above me put it, she LITERALLY looks like a live action Saya (*O*) It's perfectX3
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