HAYASE AMI is cosplaying as Elsia de Lute Irma from The World God Only Knows. The World God Only Knows is a manga series written and illustrated by Tamiki Wakaki. The manga has been serialized in the Weekly Shōnen Sunday magazine by Shogakukan since April 9, 2008, with individual chapters collected in twelve tankōbon volumes as of April 2011. The prototype version of the story was first featured as a one-shot on Weekly Shōnen Sunday on its 2007 Issue 32 release, and was titled "Koishite!? Kami-sama!!". The 2010 Issue #19 of Weekly Shōnen Sunday announced an anime adaptation had been green-lit, which premiered on October 6, 2010.
HAYASE AMI's COSPLAY - The World God Only Knows (2011/05/31)
May 31, 2011HAYASE AMI is cosplaying as Elsia de Lute Irma from The World God Only Knows. The World God Only Knows is a manga series written and illustrated by Tamiki Wakaki. The manga has been serialized in the Weekly Shōnen Sunday magazine by Shogakukan since April 9, 2008, with individual chapters collected in twelve tankōbon volumes as of April 2011. The prototype version of the story was first featured as a one-shot on Weekly Shōnen Sunday on its 2007 Issue 32 release, and was titled "Koishite!? Kami-sama!!". The 2010 Issue #19 of Weekly Shōnen Sunday announced an anime adaptation had been green-lit, which premiered on October 6, 2010.
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