Shirayuki Himeno is cosplaying as Togame from Katana Gatari. Katanagatari (Sword Story) is a Japanese light novel series written by Nisio Isin and illustrated by Take. The series is published by Kodansha under the Kodansha Box imprint. An anime adaptation by White Fox started airing on January 25, 2010 and is set for 12 episodes. The story revolves around the collection of twelve weapons that were created by a fictional swordsmith. A single episode of the series was aired each month.
Shirayuki Himeno's COSPLAY - Katana Gatari (2011/06/24)
Jun 24, 2011Shirayuki Himeno is cosplaying as Togame from Katana Gatari. Katanagatari (Sword Story) is a Japanese light novel series written by Nisio Isin and illustrated by Take. The series is published by Kodansha under the Kodansha Box imprint. An anime adaptation by White Fox started airing on January 25, 2010 and is set for 12 episodes. The story revolves around the collection of twelve weapons that were created by a fictional swordsmith. A single episode of the series was aired each month.
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