Tachibana Ren is cosplaying as Yomi Isayama from Ga-rei. Ga-rei is supernatural action manga by Hajime Segawa (瀬川 はじめ Segawa Hajime). It has been serialized by Kadokawa Shoten in the magazine Monthly Shōnen Ace and collected in twelve tankōbon volumes. A prequel anime series, Ga-Rei: Zero, aired from October 5, 2008 to December 21, 2008 which details the backstory of the main heroines, Kagura and Yomi.
Tachibana Ren's COSPLAY - Ga-rei (2011/07/01)
Jul 1, 2011Tachibana Ren is cosplaying as Yomi Isayama from Ga-rei. Ga-rei is supernatural action manga by Hajime Segawa (瀬川 はじめ Segawa Hajime). It has been serialized by Kadokawa Shoten in the magazine Monthly Shōnen Ace and collected in twelve tankōbon volumes. A prequel anime series, Ga-Rei: Zero, aired from October 5, 2008 to December 21, 2008 which details the backstory of the main heroines, Kagura and Yomi.
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