Welcome to the CosRain.Com. The photos posted in this website are mostly found on the Internet. They are not us. If you would like to post your photos on this website, you can sent us Email or by Submit News. We can’t promise we’ll be featuring all the photos receiving, but we wil do our best!
If you would like to claim some of these photos to be yours or would like us to take them down, please send us Email with proof that they are either you, or your photography.
Thank you!

you have a spelling error in your page title
CosRain.Com - CosPlay Photoes, News & Videos
Photos = Right
Photoes = Wrong
hey, could you please post from what song your costumes came from especially when someone's cosplaying a Vocaloid character...
tnx and more power :3
Horizontal photo is very small. Used java script Highslide - increase photo by clicking.
Sorry for my english.
Hola , Jus wisi neturite daug protelio
I want to see Uri's Profile & Blog..?! Is very cute ^.^
hey i wanna know more about KIPI! she is awesome! :D
hai , can you post miyuko cosplay picture ? thans ~
por favor vuelvan a subir fotos de esas hermozas cosplays
will you continue posting cosplay images? Sad to see you've stopped doing it :(
Or can you recommend me some another site similar to yours?
waiting for your update a long time but you look like busy now :(
Lupo said:
Great to see you updating the site again!
Cool site!!keep on it :3
มีคนไทยไหมนี่ ถ้ามีช่วยตอบด้วย
how can i put my cosplay photos here ?
Why did the site just "stop", I don't see any cosplay, I used to wake up every morning and look at the new cosplay, but there's none now. :(.
am sad.. am very sad to see this page "frozen"
well i hope sooooome day in future to see it back and kicking.. for now i'll jsut stop visiting here..
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